Born 1969 in Prague. Music publicist and cultural historian. He studied Czech studies at the Faculty of Arts of Charles University and screenwriting and dramaturgy at FAMU. He worked for various weeklies and dailies, and collaborates with Czech Radio. He published books: 101 největších alb pop-music [101 biggest albums of pop music] (2006), Co je nového v hudbě [What's new in music] (2018), Drtivé jistoty JB [Overwhelming certainties of JB] (2018), Gott. Československý příběh [Gott. The Czechoslovak Story] (2021; Litera for Journalism and Book of the Year in the competition Magnesia Litera 2022) and Uvnitř banánu [Inside the Banana] (2022). "So, the critic wrote in order to fill in what fell out of Gott's story," evaluated the book about Gott Daniel Konrád. "But most of all, he wanted to add a broader social context to one fate, to capture the transformation of the pop music of the time and the compromises with the power that the undeniable singing talent made in order to continue performing."