Born 1977 in Prague. He studied media studies and law at Charles University. He worked as a lawyer and editor-in-chief of the CzechLit portal. He published proses: Slabost pro každou jinou pláž [Any Beach but This] (2006), Šternův pokus milovat [Stern's Attempt to Love] (2008), Kus umělce [ Piece of an Artist] (2010), Edita Farkaš [Edita Farkas] (2011), Martin Juhás čili Československo [Martin Juhas or Czechoslovakia] (2015), Za Alpami [Beyond the Alps] (2017), Logoz aneb Robert Holm, marketér dánský [Logoz or Robert Holm, Danish Marketer] (2019), Republika [Republic] (2020) and O jednom zachraňování života [About One Life Saving] (2022). He participated in the collective detective story Šest nevinných [Six Innocent] (2015), wrote plays for radio (Hudba! Konečně! [Music! Finally!], 2010) and theater (Herec a truhlář Majer mluví o stavu své domoviny [Actor and carpenter Majer talks about the state of his homeland], 2016). "The navel of the world does not exist," he told the Parliamentary papers.