Zuzana Říhová: Between the Village and the City

Born 1981 in Prague. She studied Czech and Comparative Studies at the Faculty of Arts at Charles University. Since 2007 she has been working at the Institute of Czech Literature at the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic. In 2014-2017 she headed the Department of Bohemian Studies at Oxford. She compiled an anthology of Czech avant-garde prose Neplač, vstaň a střílej [Don't Cry, Get Up and Shoot] (2016), she wrote a monograph Vprostřed davu [In the Middle of the Crowd] (2016); she also published a collection of poems Pustím si tě do domu [I’ll Let You in My House] (2016) and proses Evička [Little Eve] (2018) and Cestou špendlíků nebo jehel [The Road of Pins or Needles] (2021). "Strange events will culminate on the third day after the boy's disappearance, when all the villagers gather in ceremonial attire in front of the couple's cottage," the publisher annotates the new release. "Has the bizarre game of local peasants turned into a perverted form of modern folklore? Are their lives in danger? And what happened to the boy? A village novel you want to read in the safety of the city."